Welcome to Calhoun Campus
My name is Jason McGuffie and I serve as the Campus Pastor at our Calhoun Campus. God is doing a great work in the community of Calhoun. We’ve seen people come to know Jesus, commit to following him through baptism, and then serving our community to see others come to know Him. There’s a place for you and you are welcome. No matter your present circumstances or your past, I would love to meet you. And so would our church family.
We’d love to see you. It is our hope you’ll be drawn closer to God in Christ-centered worship. We exist to see people changed by the Gospel and living out their Christ-centered purpose. That’s who we are. Why don’t you join in on what God is doing?

Worship with us
9:00 | 10:30 a.m.
Sunday mornings are a great time to connect with God and connect with family. Worship with your family in our worship center in a casual and laid back environment. Kids will have a blast while learning about God in the Treehouse.
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