Before Jesus left this earth, He gave us a command to “go and make disciples”. That sounds simple but for many of us we don’t know where to start. At First West, we want to equip you to “See To It” by making disciples who make disciples. D-Groups are a tool we use to help you fulfil Christ’s command.
A D-Group is a gender-specific, closed group of 3-5 believers who meet together weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation. To learn more, download the D-Group Overview. D-Groups form through pre-existing, meaningful relationships with other believers in environments like LIFE Groups.
If you want to join a D-Group, talk with your Life Group leader about how to be a part of one. If you already have 2-4 friends who want to start a D-Group, fill out this form and we can help you launch and lead a new D-Group. Our staff will provide helpful resources that will remove the intimidation of leading. Find more information in the D-Group Overview.
The STARTER GUIDE takes all the guess work out of it! This guide is designed to interactively introduce each aspect of a D-Group. Using this guide we will walk you and your group members through your first three meetings, so that your group can get off to a strong start.

What is a D-Group?
A D-group is a closed, gender-specific group of 3-5 believers that meet weekly for accelerated spiritual growth. A person joins the D-Group by invitation only.
What does a D-Group do?
D-Groups meet weekly in their rhythm of life to help each other grow spiritually and to hold each other accountable.
Here are the spiritual disciplines our D-Groups discuss in their meeting times:
- Bible Engagement
- Accountablity
- Prayer
- Evangelism
What is a HEAR Journal?
HEAR is a Bible study method that leads you to Highlight, Explain, Apply and Respond to the Bible. The introductory D-Group meeting introduces and explains how to use HEAR to study the Bible.
How do I find a D-Group?
Making disciples in a D-Group part of the Discipleship Pathway that flows out of our LifeGroups. LifeGroups are the “fishing ponds” for D-Groups. As people form friendships and bonds in LifeGroups, handfuls of them will decide to take the next step and begin a discipleship journey together in a D-Group.
If you would like to be in a D-Group, the first step on the pathway is to join a LifeGroup. If you are currently in a LifeGroup and desire to be in a D-Group, talk to your Life Group leader about starting one.
How do I lead a D-Group?
The only requirement for leading a D-Group is that you be intentionally pursuing Christ. You do not need to be a master teacher or have all of the answers; you do not need to be able to say, “Listen to me.” If you can say, “Follow me; I’m pursuing Christ,” you have the tools you need to lead a D-Group. As a D-Group leader, you set the tone for the group’s atmosphere. You are not lecturing students; you are cultivating an intimate, accountable relationship with a few close friends.
How do I find people for my D-Group?
The first step is choosing those in your group, or your “disciples”. Jesus, our example in selecting disciples, spent time in prayer before selecting men (Luke 6:12-16). The word disciple means learner. Begin by asking God to send you a group of men or women who have a desire to learn and grow.
Look for people that are already Faithful, Available, and Teachable. Consider a potential disciple’s faithfulness by observing other areas of his/her spiritual life, such as church attendance, LifeGroup involvement, or service in the church. Faithfulness is determined by a commitment to spiritual things.
How do I start a D-Group?
The church is here to equip you to make disciples. When you have selected your members, go ahead and register your D-Group at the link above. A member of our church team will reach out to you and help you get ready to get started!
Who do I contact for more questions about D-Groups?
Email our Discipleship Team with your question about D-Groups.