Your children matter to God.
We want to partner with parents around a master plan to build faith and character in their sons and daughters. We have created intentional environments for children of all ages to encounter God in their own unique ways.
We believe that safety is imperative to creating a nurturing environment where the Gospel can be planted into the hearts and minds of children.
Whether they’re very little or a pre-teen, Your children will love the intentionality made to learn the truths of God’s word.
During this season, we encourage you to connect with our Campus-specific Facebook pages to stay engaged with what’s happening for Kids at our church.
There’s a place for your kids to connect with God.
Your kids are rapidly growing, but are in a very specific stage of life. At First West, we work to teach your kids how to love God and to know God catered to their ages.

6 weeks - 24 months
Little ones are learning and growing rapidly at this stage in life. We believe they need an environment designed especially for their learning styles. Our campuses are ready to receive your children into our nursery. We’ll care for your infants and toddlers in a safe and secure environment.

2 years to pre-K
Preschoolers will learn in an environment filled with interactive Bible stories, music with motions, and activities that reinforce biblical truths. Come join in!

Kindergarten to 5th grade
Children in kindergarten through 5th grade will learn about how God has a plan for their life. Kids learn all about how God loves them in fun, creative ways.

Midweek Kids gives our children the opportunity to understand the big picture story of the Bible. From studying about God’s heart for the world to playing silly games to dancing in worship, kids will experience how God is working in the world.

Wednesdays at the West Monroe Campus
Kids will learn about God’s story for the world and how He uses people to spread the Gospel. Kids will play games and learn new worship songs in this fun time together.

Wednesdays at the Calhoun Campus
Kids get together to understand biblical principles and how to live with Godly character. Kids are working through the entire story of the Bible from the book of Genesis to Revelation. Kids enjoy games and snacks as well.